
Saturday, June 14, 2014


Rovia has been recognized as "Asia's Leading Online Travel Agency" for 2014 by the World Travel Awards program. The awards ceremony was held on Friday, October 10 at The Oberoi, New Delhi. (PRNewsFoto/Rovia)

PLANO, TexasOct. 11, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Rovia has been recognized as "Asia's Leading Online Travel Agency" for 2014 by the World Travel Awards program (WTA). The World Travel Awards Asia & Australasia Gala Ceremony was held in New Delhi at The Oberoi on Friday, October 10 with hundreds of tourism professionals in attendance.
Rovia is no stranger to the World Travel Awards, having received two nominations last year. Rovia is a leading provider of curated group travel experiences, annually producing and managing hundreds of distinct pre-packaged travel experiences for small and large groups.
"Being named 'Asia's Leading Online Travel Agency' for 2014 is an honor," Rovia President Mike Putman said. "It's great to be acknowledged this year by our international peers as a leader in our industry. We strive to provide exceptional customer service and a unique product, so to be recognized by travel professionals and customers around the world is gratifying."
The World Travel Awards program, celebrating its 21st anniversary this year, recognizes brands that push the boundaries of industry excellence. The program is highly comprehensive, honoring several industry segments such as "Airlines and Airports," "Hotels and Resorts," "Meetings and Conventions" and "Travel Technology."
About Rovia: Rovia is an award-winning online travel company with offices in South Carolina and Texas. With almost 30 years of experience in the travel industry, Rovia is quickly becoming the largest provider of curated group travel experiences in the world. The company annually produces and manages hundreds of unique pre-packaged experiences for groups numbering from a few dozen to a few thousand.

世界旅游奖标榜为“旅游业奥斯卡奖”,由prestigious Wall日报评选,旨在表彰酒店行业内具备创新,品质,高质量特质的酒店。与“世界领先的旅行俱乐部”奖项均是全球旅游业界的最高荣誉之一。

20年来,世界旅游奖隆重庆祝在全球旅游业界所有卓越的部门。DreamTrips梦之旅获得最高荣誉的旅行俱乐部奖项,不仅因为优秀的服务,还有其广泛的产品组合,你见过我们提供的世界各地的DreamTrips梦之旅吗?更奇妙的是,这一荣誉由自世界各地的旅行社和消费者颁发给我们的。而且我们其他的分公司 – 维珍大西洋航空公司,丽思卡尔顿酒店海滩度假村和美国邮轮公司的获奖者属于其他类别奖项。


但是,我们并没有止步于“世界领先的旅游俱乐部”的称号,我们仍然认为我们是赢家,这一切都是因为你!我们看到你攀登上世界上最有名的山,坐于大象之上游览丛林,并在标志性的古迹前留下照片和视频。我们一直惊叹于此,与我们在Facebook和其他社交媒体页面分享你的经历,因为你知道“你应该在这里! ”。并知道在你的生活之旅中创造回忆,到时可以把这些胜利一起带回家。

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